Thursday, October 11, 2007

Fun in the park!

Last week a bunch of Nova teachers and staff got together in Akashi park for a little party. It was a good time, drinks and live music (courtesy of Willard, Trevor and Dean). Interestingly enough it was fun to sit on grass! There isn't much grass here in Japan, most parks are just dirt.

You will notice that I am actually wearing my hair down for this first time since mid July! It has been so incredibly, ungodly, horrendously hot and humid here (yes, even into early October!) that as soon as I got out of the shower I put my hair into a pony tail and never took it out. It has finally cooled down enough for me to not sweat buckets wearing my hair down. I didn't know what it was going to look like since it had been so long since I actually 'did' it! Luckily I still remembered how to do my hair so it worked out well!

Here's a pictures of all us girls:

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