So what did I get you ask? Well, my intention was to see the collections that I've missed: Flashtronic, Painterly, Blue Storm, and Smoke Signals and to get an eyeliner brush for my growing fluidline collection (as of now I have 'waveline' thanks to Erin, 'blacktrack' thanks to Brady and 'macroviolet' thanks to mom). I have been using my 266 angle brush in the mean time but it doesn't give as precise a line as I want.
I managed to ask the Japanese MAC artist which eyeliner brush would work best with fluidline using a combination of short English sentences and gestures while pointing at the fluidline display. She spoke some English and told me that the 209 brush would be best, so mission accomplished for task 1!
As I was checking out the Smoke Signals display (my MAC ladies - if you haven't gone to see this one yet, get yourself over to a MAC store now!) I fell in love with the Smoking Eyes quad and asked the MA (MAC Artist) to try it on me. It is a great combo of smoky fall colors so I decided to treat myself and get that as well! There is another quad with this collection that is more gunmetal greys with midnight blues that looks sweet online but it was sold out in the store, oh

As I paid for my two things she signed me up for a MAC frequent customer card - awesome! How come they don't have these in the states? I would have worked up a million points by now! AND she gave me the cards for both Smoke Signals and Blue Storm AND the cutest mini bottle of Studiofix Fluid foundation ever! I've never seen mini MAC products before, I wonder if they're just at the Asian stores...
Another thing that is awesome about Japanese MAC is that they have a collection called Lightful geared towards women with pale skin who actually want to have pale skin. Score! In Asia women value pale porcelain skin and focus on keeping it that way. In the summer most women carry parasols when walking around to keep the sun off their faces and there are a ton of commercials for lotions with large SPF numbers of 50 or more. So basically the complete opposite of the US where everyone wants to be as tan as possible. I didn't get any of it on this trip but I am planning on trying it out while I'm here.
Phew, that's it. I'm very excited to try all my new stuff out, yay!
P.S. If any of you get MAC postcards for various collections this year and don't want them for yourselves, will you keep them for me?
Emma was like a kid in a candy store...
I was like a bored husband at a makeup store... :P
Glad you got to your MAC store, I miss you giving me the updates on MAC products, however after reading this I'm up to date.
Connie and I loved this blog - wish we could have been there for the makeup tips, too. Since today is Connie's birthday - I think she needs some "look younger" make up tips - maybe we'll have to hit the MAC store in Northfield:)
Just wait until you get to visit the stores in Tokyo!
On another note, I had a little trouble figuring out which radio button to select to leave a comment. Everything was converted to characters - and they don't translate too well!
Dictionary.com translates them to:
のハンドルネーム = Steering Wheel Name
その他 = In addition
匿名 = Anonymity
Ummm... yes... I have a comment about fluidline. I also love the stuff (I have waveline and blitz & glitz). I went to the MAC store this weekend hoping to get a gray color and they don't make any! They had a silver color, but it was VERY silver - too much for work. Anyway, Emma, I figure you must have some pull at MAC considering you must make up at least 2% of their sales revenue. Can you talk to someone over there for me?
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