Thursday, January 3, 2008

Holiday Season in Japan

I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday Season! Thanks so much to all of your Christmas cards and fun packages!

What was Christmas like in Japan? Well, it didn't really feel like Christmas. Christmas for the Japanese is purely commercial so everyone goes to work like normal except they get a cake and KFC for dinner...not really sure why. So we worked Christmas Eve and Day (which is a bummer BUT it is good to be working again - even if it is only cleaning the school). It was sunny and in the mid 50's so the weather didn't help much with the Christmas spirit. And on top of it all, we were away from family and friends which definitely detracted from the festive feelings. I missed you all!!

After work we went over to our friend Vince's place for a Christmas dinner with what is left of our ex-Nova teacher friends and some of our Japanese staff that have become friends. We brought mashed potatoes, gravy and corn. Other people brought chicken, chocolate cake, gratin, sandwiches, chili, and many other random things.

Shoko and Tomomi thought the mashed potatoes were unbelievably awesome and numerous times exclaimed "oishi!!!" which means delicious.

Unfortunately we forgot to bring our camera so we don't have pictures until we try and get some from other people.

We ended up staying until 3:30 am because we were having so much fun!

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